Thursday, January 31, 2013

Checking the connected managed systems (physical machines) to HMC using the CLI

Sometimes and for whatever reasons you would like to know or get the name of the physical machines that are connected to your HMC.

The easy way is to check them from the HMC GUI interface! 

The geeky way is to discover them from the HMC CLI.

let`s discover  the name of the connected machines:
hscroot@myhmc:~> lssyscfg -r sys -F name:serial_num:state 
 This simple command tells you about the following:
-the name of the machines
-the serial number of the machines
-the state of the machines 

Note:the command vtmenu gives you only the name of the machines!

That command could be handy if you want to collect the serial number and the state of all your physical machine with one-command line! 

Related blogs:
 Checking the LPARs in a phyiscal machines from the HMC CLI

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